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Future-ready your kids with us today



For Your Students

We give your kids the superpowers & mindset they need to face tomorrow's challenges as well as stay ahead their peers.


Only 1 in 3 adults globally are financially literate. Further studies have shown that lack of financial literacy often leads to poor financial decisions from not saving enough to taking up debts recklessly which ultimately leads to unhappy life outcomes. We solve this problem by offering an education beyond theoretical financial knowledge; we strive to equip your kids with practical skills that go beyond the classroom.


Bid farewell to worries about your children entering adulthood without crucial financial capabilities. With MoneyTree, envision your kids not just gaining knowledge but becoming more attractive candidates for reputable universities and highly employable individuals in the competitive job market

For Your School

Adopt our Sandbox and enjoy the following benefits for your school

Distinguished from Peers

Distinguish yourself from peers by being one of the pioneers to solve the problem of inadequate financial education among future generations.

Education Beyond Classroom

Give your students access personalized education beyond classrooms. Personalize learning to enhance your students' experience & academic achievements.

Engagement with Parents

Use our Sandbox & DUMO tools to keep parents updated & involved with their children's progress without the need to burden your teachers

Simple Digitization

Digitize components of your teaching process to serve lessons beyond classrooms & acquire live learning analytics for each student.

Simple Deployment

Our 3-steps deployment are designed to allow you to adopt our tools without burdening your team. Adoption & usage of our system are designed with ease as the top priority.

Step 1

Your selected teachers & staff members will undergo a 2-hour training on MoneyTree & the Sandbox system

Step 2

Your staff will be given access to Sandbox. No installations are required as access is via the internet.

Step 3

Your staff will be given constant support through our suite of digital support tools & friendly support staff.

School's Role in Financial Education

Being the credible educator whom parents trust, your school maintains the pole position to deliver the best financial education to their kids


"In 2005, the OECD recommended that financial education start as early as possible and be taught in schools. Including financial education as part of the school curriculum is a fair and efficient policy tool. Financial education is a long- term process."

Products We Use

We give your school the tools & lesson materials that will distinguish your offering from peers



A cloud app designed to deliver MoneyTree's financial management lessons as well as classroom gamification tool via a simple user interface & experience for teachers



A mobile app designed for kids to learn superpowers for tomorrow in a fun & rewarding way. Learning will be done via bite-sized lessons & AI personalization


Have a Question?

Ask about MoneyTree products, pricing, implementation, or anything else. Our team is standing by, ready to help.

Reach us:

3 Fraser St, #08 DUO Tower, Singapore 189352

Tel: +65 6828 1578

© 2023 by MoneyTree Asia Pacific Pte Ltd

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